Digital Tools — making headline magic

screenshot-2016-09-27-21-42-13Marketing and advertising types are just as obsessed with getting people to absorb their message.So, here's some digital tools that marketers use to test headlines.

Coschedule headline analyzer

file-sep-03-11-51-57-pmClick here for linkType in a headline, and it will rate it based on its ability to connect emotionally, tell your story simply, and what "power words" you can use. It breaks down a headline on its neutrality, and gives you a preview as a Google SEO.It's not free, but you can sign up for a trial period.

Advanced Marketing Institute headline analyzer

screenshot-2016-09-27-21-54-30Click here for linkThis is a less sexy version of a headline analyzer. It lets you get your headline parsed by subject.

Mailchimp's subject line analyzer

screenshot-2016-09-27-22-01-13Click here for linkYou have to be a Mailchimp subscriber to use this, but this can help you hone your subject lines, which could make the difference between a read clicking and not clicking.


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