Call for Entries: Show & Steal Submissions at SFJ 13

UntitledThis is the call for entries for the Show & Steal presentation at the Society for Features Journalism 2013 Conference.CATEGORIESMoneymakers: Reader contests, special promotions and new sections.Saved The Day: Quick turn-around packages, great ideas stolen from the newsletter or last year’s Show & Steal.Totally Entertaining: Fun topics from the world of entertainment and pop culture.Holidays: How did you cover (any) holidays this year in a fresh, innovative way?Editor’s Choice: Enterprise, special projects or any great concept that doesn't fit elsewhere.Online Superstars: Digital content only, a video, blog or anything else that got lots of traffic and buzz.CONTENT PUBLICATIONContent should have been published between June 1, 2012, and July 31, 2013.FORMATFor print entries, please send PDFs of your pages. For online entries, please send web links.


DEADLINE IS: Sept. 6, 2013

If you have any questions, contact Melissa Aguilar and Diane Cowen, Show & Steal committee co-chairs, at


Tompkins revs up the story machine at SFJ conference


Early Bird Registration Extended Through Aug. 23rd