February 2013 Newsletter

Show & Steal ideas to download. Preparations for the Oscars. Plus, where and what to eat on Valentine's Day. All this and more in our February newsletter!Link: http://featuresjournalism.org/newsletters/janaury-february-2013-newsletter/...AND DON'T FORGET TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY!Renewal Link: http://featuresjournalism.org/membership/ We know that this brave new world presents major challenges for everyone.  We also know that your membership in SFJ provides a ready source of ideas, inspiration, support and camaraderie that we all need now, perhaps more than ever.It's an exciting time for the group.  As we hope you know, the newly-formed SFJ Foundation has (finally) received tax-exempt status which will allow for the expansion of training and mentoring opportunities offered through our Diversity Fellowship program.Renewals (or new memberships) are good for one year.  If you don't know when yours expires, send an email to Merrilee Cox merrileesfj@gmail.com.Share the word with your colleagues ... take advantage of the multiple member rates!


25th Annual Society for Features Journalism Contest -- DEADLINE: March 29th


Farewell to Dear Abby, an AASFE Hall of Fame inductee